Sunday, June 22, 2008


Yes I am back...Still fuming! I was watching this Kaapi with Anu where Crazy Mohan (I really hope he was joking) was saying that Kamal will get Oscar for Bussavatharam! I just lost it. I did what any sane person would do...muted the tv! I was wondering for what Kamal would be getting the Oscar...for the best comedy (may be). May be the Democratic party will invite him to do his imitation of George Bush, just to ensure that the Republicans lose!

And then there was this mail forwarded by a well wisher (after reading the mail, I was really wondering on the well part) on some other fan's ravings on Kamal and Buss! Apparently this movie is based on Chaos Theory and Butterfly Effect. And they had try to make a science theory by attaching a wiki link! The only chaos in that movie was the story line! And the butterfly was really a bad special effect!

To undo the bad effects of this movie I have decided to watch 10 where Kamal has done only one role!!!

1 comment:

Dharu said...

Heard in a movie theatre: Was that really Mallika Sharawat or was it Kamal?